Graduate Modules Listing

Please take note: Students from other Schools who wish to register for ASE graduate courses are required to seek approval from respective course instructor before course registration.

  • Student email course instructors (with student’s background and main sup school) to seek course instructor’s approval


  • Attach instructor’s email approval to approved course registration form before submitting to Research Centre (RC) / School administrator


  • Research Centre (RS)/School administrator to consolidate forms and email to Christina ([email protected]) for prior approval
  • Christina will inform the Research Centre (RC)/ School administrator if student is allowed to take the course

CourseAUNext Offered

ES703 Postgraduate Academic Writing

The course covers written communication in English in academic disciplines. The content can be divided into four parts: features of academic language (for example, grammatical metaphor, lexical density, and expressing stance), the academic argument (both its structure, for example, the Toulmin method, and its presentation), referencing (including disciplinary differences), and the structure of the research article sections (including the concepts of moves and steps).


ES7027 Microbes on natural ecosystems

This is an introductory microbiology course which will bring the knowledge of microbes, ecosystems and geochemical processes in a changing environment.  This course will allow graduate students explore how microbes play key roles in nutrient cycling, how they support the complex ecosystems we find in our biosphere and how they affect and will be affect by climate change.

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ES7028 Experimental Design & Analysis for Ecology

This course introduces you to the basic principles of experimental design and analysis of ecological experiments. It introduces you to methods and key concepts for designing and implementing experiments in both the field and laboratory. You will learn how to plan and execute an experiment, key concepts in designing experiments, and how to analyse and present your results. This course builds on the statistical skills you should have learned in undergraduate programmes and you will learn how to apply these statistical methods to real-life field and lab experiments. This courses uses R, and assumes some introductory knowledge of statistics.

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ES7029 GIS and the Earth System

This course will cover the use of GIS to explore earth systems science. The course will start by introducing basic skills and workflows. The students will then define and complete two independent projects. Students will be expected to have basic scientific knowledge about the Earth and a basic introduction to programming. The final project will focus on the use of Agisoft Photoscan.

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