Director's Message
Welcome to the SAF-NTU Academy.
The SAF-NTU Academy was established in May 2010, marking a significant development in the long-standing strategic partnership between the SAF and NTU in providing education and training to SAF personnel. The SAF-NTU partnership has grown from strength to strength since the early days when SAFTI MI was established in 1995.
In 1997, the newly set up Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS) at NTU was engaged to provide strategic studies education for SAF officers, and in Apr and Aug 2005, the Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation and collaboration in the areas of “instructional technology and design” and “leadership education and research” were signed between SAFTI MI & NIE and SAFTI MI & NBS respectively. These cooperative and collaborative initiatives culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in Jun 2008 between the SAF and NTU to establish a Strategic Partnership to support the Continuing Education of SAF Personnel. Recognising the need for a systematic development in the education and training of SAF personnel to operate in a changing and increasingly complex security environment, the strategic partnership was taken a step further with the setting up of the SAF-NTU Academy.
The SAF-NTU Academy seeks to create and sustain the academic capacity and knowledge needed to provide SAF leaders with relevant Professional Military Education and Training, and Continuing Education from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Being in NTU, the SAF-NTU Academy is ideally placed to tap on the excellent resources provided by institutions in NTU such as the Nanyang Business School, College of Engineering and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. In line with the SAF’s human resource development objectives, the courses conducted by the Academy are designed to provide SAF personnel with a broad education to serve SAF’s professional military education needs. Being accredited, these courses also contribute to credits required for enrolment in degree programmes at local universities, thereby meeting the aspirations of SAF personnel for continuing education and upgrading.
This joint effort by the SAF and NTU is a tangible demonstration of the emphasis by both organisations in developing the human capital needed to meet the challenges of the future. SAF personnel can look forward to being better equip for the military profession as well as meeting their personal aspiration for continual growth and development.
Colonel (Ret) Puah Hong Tat
Director, SAF-NTU Academy