*The conference is now over*
We would like to thank all speakers, session chairs, participants and our sponsor Springer for your support in making this virtual conference a success
The 14th International Conference on the theme of “Provable and Practical Security”, PROVSEC 2020, was held on November 29th to December 1st, 2020 online. Recent editions of PROVSEC have been held in Xi'an (China), Jeju (Korea), Cairns (Australia). PROVSEC 2020 was planned to take place in Singapore but due to the global COVID-19 pandemic situation, the conference was hosted virtually by the Strategic Centre for Research in Privacy-Preserving Technologies & Systems (SCRIPTS) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Provable security is an essential tool used to analyse security of modern cryptographic primitives for achieving high assurance of trusted and secure cyber systems. Provable Security methodology contributed greatly to the analysis of cryptographic schemes and protocols, as well as their implementations in trusted and secure systems. However, cryptographic primitives without a rigorous "proof" cannot be regarded as sound. Though not formally analysed, cryptographic schemes and protocols were once considered secured, but security flaws in these schemes and protocols implementation were discovered using Provable Security methodology. Although Provable Security provides confidence in using cryptographic schemes and protocols for various real-world applications, schemes with Provable Security are sometimes not efficient enough for practical purpose, and it may be difficult to verify the correctness of the proofs.
We will continue to promote “Practical Security” as the theme for PROVSEC 2020. The event convened researchers and practitioners to provide a confluence of new practical cyber security technologies, including their applications and integration with IT systems in various industrial sectors.
The Program Committee consists of 65 members worldwide. In response to the Call for Papers, 59 papers were submitted to the conference. The papers were reviewed in a double-blind manner. Each paper was carefully evaluated by 3 to 5 reviewers, and discussions was held among the Program Committee. Finally, 20 papers were selected for presentation at the conference. Based on the reviews and votes by Program Committee members, the following paper was given the Best Paper Award, with a prize of EUR 1000 generously sponsored by Springer:
“Group Signature without Random Oracles from Randomizable Signatures”, by Remi Clarisse, Olivier Sanders.
We were honored and delighted to include 5 keynote talks given by:
Prof Ronald Cramer (CWI Amsterdam & Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Prof Tetsu Iwata (Nagoya University, Japan)
Prof Chris Mitchell (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
Prof Mike Rosulek (Oregon State University, USA)
Prof Yu Yu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
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