Published on 30 Jul 2019

NTU Singapore and Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital launch internship and exchange programme in Chinese medicine

These initiatives support the government’s efforts to develop the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) industry which is expected to play an increasingly important role as Singapore’s population ages

Students pursuing the double degree programme in biomedical sciences and Chinese medicine at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore will soon get to apply what they learn at Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital (KWSH).

The internship and exchange programmes for physicians support the government’s efforts to develop the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) industry which is expected to play an increasingly important role as Singapore’s population ages. In 2017, the government invested S$10 million to support the modernisation of the industry.

NTU Provost and Vice President (Academic) Professor Ling San said, “The new internship, exchange and residency programmes leverage NTU’s innovative ‘East Meets West’ bilingual double degree programme, as well as the modern approach we take to TCM at our NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic. Equipped with knowledge from their foundation in biomedical sciences, students will get the opportunity to apply what they have learnt in KWSH, which combines the best of Western and Chinese medicine in their delivery of care.

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