​14th March 2018 - Cyber Risk Loss Scenarios Workshop

14 Mar 2018 09.30 AM - 12.30 PM Industry/Academic Partners

As part of the NTU Singapore Cyber Risk Management project (CyRiM), the Centre for Risk Studies at Cambridge University and Lloyd’s of London are conducting a workshop on Wednesday, 14 March 2018 at 9.30am at Alumni House, Marina Square.

CyRiM is a research project that aims to foster an efficient cyber risk insurance market in Singapore through engaging industry and academic experts guided by government and policy level research. The CyRiM project will help Singapore to become an industry centre of excellence on cyber risk and grow the cyber risk insurance market by promoting both the demand and the supply of insurance coverage.

The 14th March workshop will feature loss scenarios research and highlight the key challenges and characteristics of cyber risk concentration/accumulation in the Asia Pacific region.  It aims to identify two cyber catastrophe scenarios that will subsequently be developed in detail by the Centre for Risk Studies and published by Lloyd’s.

The workshop will be attended by academics, cybersecurity professionals and insurance underwriters.