JEOL ARM300F (Grand ARM)



Aberration corrected transmission electron microscope with EDX, EELS and holography

The JEM-ARM300F, also known as the Grand ARM, is a 300 kV double aberration-corrected atomic resolution transmission electron microscope with a resolution in both STEM and TEM modes of better than 0.08 nm. The ARM300F can also be used for EDX, EELS, energy-filtered imaging and electron holography. It can be used for imaging magnetic materials using Lorentz microscopy, holography or differential phase contrast.

In TEM mode the specimen is illuminated with a parallel beam of electrons. The transmitted electrons are magnified using magnetic lenses and imaged on a CMOS camera. In STEM mode the electrons are focussed to a fine probe and scanned across the specimen. Signals such as the transmitted electrons or scattered electrons (HAADF) are recorded as the beam scans.

TEM information limit0.16 nm
0.13 nm0.08 nm
STEM HAADF resolution0.192 nm
0.136 nm0.078 nm
STEM aberration-free angle25 mrad25.5 mrad0.192 nm



  • Gatan 4k × 4k One-View CMOS camera with fast in-situ imaging
  • JEOL JED-2300T 100mm2 (~0.98 sr) windowless SDD EDX
  • High-angle annular dark-field,  annular bright field and bright field STEM detectors
  • Gatan Quantum 965 GIF with dual-EELS and simultaneous EDX-EEL spectra collection
  • Electron holography
  • Electron tomography
  • Precession diffraction
  • Atomic resolution imaging
  • Electron holography
  • Electron tomography