About Us
We are NTU's shared facility, specialising in Electron Microscopy, X-ray Diffraction and Surface Analysis.
We focus on investigating the structure, elemental composition and chemical state of materials at different length scales (atomic to mesoscale)
We have a centralised, purpose-built site for the best instrumentation performance to help users to achieve the best possible results.

We are open to NTU, other academic institutes and industry collaboration.

We provide consultation with our highly experienced team of scientists to ensure the best selection of techniques and interpretation of results
EM & X-ray techniques – teaching, outreach and development
- General & advanced topics, including in-situ work
- Instrument and technique training for basic & advanced users, including basic and topical short courses, seminars and workshops
- Technique development
- Continuous collaboration with users & instrument vendors
- Partnership with local & overseas research institutes and industries
Research tools
Please click below for more information on the research tool clusters available in FACTS.