High Energy-Density Molecules

High Energy-Density molecules (HEDMs) refer to the frontier field of advanced energetic materials involving the study of molecules with extremely high stored energy per unit mass (per bond cleavage/rearrangement). The presence of high-energy bonds, strained rings and high heats of formation are the traits of modern HEDMs.

Research on HEDMs has received high impetus in the last decades in search for high performing molecules for futuristic application. In line with the interest of international defence research institutions, EnRI has embarked on the design and development of this frontier field of high-energy density molecules, to identify novel insensitive high performing energ​​etic molecules as explosives and propellants. EnRI’s synthetic work is fueled by a team of researchers with strong organic synthesis background and relevant experience in handling of highly energetic molecules. EnRI’s exploratory research towards novel HEDMs targets polynitrogen molecules, with continued interest on energetic nitramines.

Thermal ellipsoid of N-10 azobistetrazole​

Thermal ellipsoid of N-10 azobistetrazole​

Poly-Nitrogen Energetic Molecules

The inherent instability of polymeric nitrogen (+N5) bodes high nitrogen-carbon deficient heterocycles as the favourable targets. EnRI’s research interest on high nitrogen heterocycles covers synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation studies on azoles, azines, Nitrogen-Oxygen heterocycles (Oxadiazoles, Oxatriazoles) as well as nitrogen bases.

Thermal ellipsoid of 5-amino-1,2,4-triazolyl tetrazole

Thermal ellipsoid of Co-crystal of azine and an azole


Energetic Nitramines​​ 

Energetic nitramines refers to the classical high energy-density materials, where the majority of energy is derived from the oxidation of carbon backbone. EnRI has continued interest on conventional CHNO nitramines as a requirement for various projects. Research on cyclic as well as caged nitramines have imparted usefulness in standardization of advanced performance evaluation techniques and safety measurements. EnRI has developed ingenious capability on the synthesis of these cyclic nitramine(RDX) and caged nitramines (CL-20 and TEX).

 Thermal ellipsoid of b-CL-20