Seedcorn Funding

​The Centre offers seedcorn funding which supports collaborative research projects between NHG Polyclinics (NHGP) and LKCMedicine researchers. Funding is for feasibility and pilot studies, whose preliminary data can build a strong case for subsequent research applications to external funding bodies. Awards will be between SGD$20,000 - 60,000 for projects up to 18 months in duration.

Funding Application


Employees of LKCMedicine and NHGP are eligible to apply. Each proposal must involve collaboration between these two organisations. In addition, collaborations with other academic institutions and healthcare providers/ institutions are allowed.

For more information on previously-funded studies​ 

Funding Priorities
Research proposals which fulfil the following criteria will be considered for funding:

  • ​Novel research
  • Preliminary work (e.g feasibility and pilot studies)
  • Research impacting on health outcomes and/or patient and carer well-being 
  • Research with the potential to be published in an international peer reviewed journal
Exclusion Criteria
Research proposals which fall into any of the below categories will not be funded:

  • ​Service developments
  • Studies included within NMRC PRIME funding
  • Studies that cost more than SGD$60,000 
  • Studies already funded from other sources
  • Studies that cannot be completed in 18 months
Funding Grant Call Schedule
Grant Call

Start Date

​Application Deadline

​Coming soon!TBCTBC
For more information, please contact CPHCRI secretariat at [email protected].