Internship Story 1
Gaining more than just work experience
By Teoh Min Wei, Year 3 Aerospace Engineering with a Second Major in Business (ITP)
Interned in Borouge Pte Ltd
"I felt that this created a very bonded atmosphere within the company and a very warming environment to work in."

My internship in Borouge was a fulfilling one where i managed to learn a lot in the company. I was an intern under the Human Capabilities, Human Resource & Admin where i primarily focus on Learning & Development and Talent Management. Coming from a non-HR background, it was a humbling experience for me as I had to start afresh to learn concepts and internalise them.
The employees in Borouge are very friendly and are always glad to extend a helping hand whenever asked. I felt that this created a very bonded atmosphere within the company and a very warming environment to work in. Due to this atmosphere, I look forward to going to work every morning instead of viewing it as a chore.
Borouge has a structured internship programme where the HR in charge ensures that each and every intern will gain something from the internship. Planned by the mentors, we will learn a lot from doing what the employees are doing as well. I feel that this is very beneficial for us interns as we do go in deep to learn about the processes and business of Borouge.
Borouge values their interns as though as we are their employees. The interns are allowed to attend the training programmes that Borouge offer to their employees which include self-development workshops as well as technical workshops. I feel that these trainings differentiate Borouge from other companies as we don't see many companies allowing interns to attend such trainings.
Borouge has made an impact in my life and I can day that I do not regret joining Borouge for my internship.