NTUpreneur Alumni Association

About the Association

The NTU Entrepreneurship Academy Alumni Association (NTUpreneur AA) strives to foster cohesive relationships among entrepreneurs and alumni of diverse talents through mentoring, advising, and enabling entrepreneurial activities.


A vibrant entrepreneurial community of diversified talents making a meaningful impact on personal life and the society.


Connecting - Alumni

Creating - Opportunity

Enabling - Entrepreneurship

Enriching - Life

Making - Impact

Meet the 2023 Alumni Association Executive Committee

President Ms Susan Teh
Vice President Mr Abhilash Kumar Pillaia
Secretary Ms Ebel Lim Shan Wen
Treasurer Ms Lin Ruowei, Celine

If you wish to receive the latest information or events organised for NTUpreneur’s alumni, update your details here



NTU Entrepreneurship Academy reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify or cancel the above without notice at any time for any reason.

To be part of Alumni Database


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