Rigaku SmartLab 9kW

XRD Rigaku Smartlab

FACTS XRD room at N4.1 B4-10

X-ray diffractometer equipped with high-flux X-ray source

An X-ray diffractometer equipped with a rotating anode X-ray source suitable for in-situ experiments and for weakly scattering samples. 
X-ray source: rotating Cu anode
Max operating power: 9.5 kW

Optics: cross-beam optics (CBO) allows for switching between Bragg-Brentano (BB) and Parallel (PB) incident beam. 

Sample stage: powder, bulk and thin film samples

In-situ stage: electrochemical-cell 

Detector: 0D and 1D mode
  • X-ray diffraction analysis of crystalline materials for phase ID, quantification, micro-structure analysis and crystal structure refinement/determination
  • In-situ structural characterisation