Trust Tech: Definitions, Issues and Opportunities

06 Jan 2023 03.30 PM - 04.30 PM Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Public

RSIS Webinar by Professor Lam Kwok Yan, Associate Vice President (Strategy and Partnerships), and Professor, School of Computing Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

6 Jan 2023, Zoom Webinar


In late 2022, the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) established the National Centre for Research in Digital Trust or “DTC” for short. Headed by the speaker, Prof Lam Kwok Yan, the DTC is dedicated to building a trusted digital environment for Singapore, its people and businesses. Jointly funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), it also serves as an inclusive platform to bring together industry players, research centres, and institutes of higher learning to drive high-impact research in technologies supporting digital trust principles. These principles include safety, transparency, and accountability. Crucially, the creation of the DTC underscores the importance of building a trusted digital space with an innovative set of technologies known as “trust tech”. But what is trust tech? Why is this technology so important to a trusted digital environment for Singapore, its people and businesses? Most of all, how can trust tech promote safety, transparency and accountability in a borderless digital world? In this RSIS webinar, Prof Lam will address these all-important questions and many more.