International Forum cum Book Launch: “International Forum on Modern Chinese Poetry cum Book Launch of Sing-phone: An Anthology of Singapore’s Chinese Poems” 现代汉诗国际论坛暨《新国风:新加坡华文现代诗选》发布会
01 Dec 2018
02.00 PM - 06.00 PM
National Library Programme Zone (B1)
Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Prospective Students, Public
Professor Michelle YEH
(Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures,
University of California at Davis)
Professor Guangwei CHENG
(School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China)
Assoc. Professor TAN Chee Lay
(Executive Director, Singapore Centre for Chinese Language)
Mr. Denon LIM Denan
(President, Singapore Association of Writers)
Ms. TAN Xi Zhe (One of the Poets in the Book)
Book Launch cum International Forum:
Lianhe Zaobao, ZbNow, Pg2, 12 Nov 2018
The two editors, ZHANG Songjian and TEO Sum Lim (张松建、张森林) reiterate that the compilation of this book is to witness the social process and cultural contribution since the independence of Singapore, and to show the innovative experiments and historical context of modern Chinese poetry.
It is also mentioned that Singapore literature is an important part of the world literature, and that modern Chinese poetry is one of the highlights of Singaporean Chinese literature.