What We Do

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The TARIPH Centre for Respiratory Research Excellence is a national research platform that addresses respiratory health and disease in Singapore. It brings together interdisciplinary teams that share common interests, and acts as a platform for the exchange of ideas and development of sustainable relationships, providing an organisational framework for academic respiratory research.

Under this new framework, TARIPH brings together existing partnerships and fosters new ones across Singapore to deliver innovative respiratory studies that address key thematic areas of importance to Singapore. In addition, TARIPH will organise regular meetings and workshops to promote respiratory research.

Research Projects & Publications

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TARIPH projects will generate evidence on the presentation, course and consequence of respiratory illness in our patients and the population at large, work that will benefit Singaporeans with respiratory diseases and the maintenance of lung health.

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Our People

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TARIPH’s academic activities are co-ordinated by a scientific committee which is co-chaired by the academic leads. The scientific committee has broad representation from clinical and academic institutions across Singapore and internationally, and is appointed on a fixed-term, rotational basis. 

The scientific committee reports to Vice Dean (Research), LKCMedicine. The scientific committee is also supported by the TARIPH International Advisory Board which comprises of internationally recognised experts in various fields of academic respiratory research. 

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​What others say about TARIPH

​"I am happy to participate in and support this new initiative. Having TARIPH will provide a platform to help link appropriate LKCMedicine and NTU Singapore faculty and clinicians across Singapore, and establish centres of excellence with each other to promote collaborative efforts that focus on research in pulmonary health and disease. This will be good for Singapore, as we see an urgent need to focus on population health issues from a Respiratory lens."

A/Prof John Abisheganaden, Director and Senior Consultant, Health Services and Outcome Research, NHG

​"We learn. We grow. We advance. Together."

A/Prof Mariko Koh, Senior Consultant, Department of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, SGH

"Lung health is poised to be the next significant medical condition in this generatio​n, after cancer and card​iometabolic disease. The formation of TARIPH is timely, to position Singapore at the frontiers of research, advancing the science of respiratory diseases, and most importantly benefiting the patients that we care for."

A/Prof Augustine Tee, Deputy Chairman, Medical Board (Medical Disciplines), CGH

"I look forward to having close collaborations with the wider community through TARIPH as I think there is collective strength and synergy in the expertise and experiences brought about by the various groups and in​dividuals here."

A/Prof Chew Fook Tim Vice Dean (Faculty of Science), Department of Biological Sciences, NUS

​​"TARIPH will be the crucible for seamless integrative research between family physicians and pulmonologists to identify key factors that will successfully improve the pulmonary health of the population.”​

Adj A/Prof Tan Ngiap Chuan Director, Department of Research, SingHealth Polyclinics Vice-Chair (Research), SingHealth-Duke NUS Family Medicine Academic Clinical Programme