Published on 31 Aug 2020

EnVision Series No.7 - Panel Discussion: How Technical is Real-life Cybersecurity

Panel Discussion: How Technical is Real-life Cybersecurity

Prof LAM Kwok Yan, Director, Nanyang Technopreneurship Center; Strategic Centre for Research in Privacy-Preserving Technologies & Systems, Asst Prof LI Yi, Asst Prof ZHANG Tianwei and Dr. Sourav Sen Gupta, from School of Computer Science and Engineering, NTU, hold a panel discussion on "How Technical is Real-life Cybersecurity". 

This panel discussion aims to debunk the myth that cybersecurity is “too technical”, “too far-way from ordinary people”, and “gaining real-life expertise in security requires a deep knowledge of mathematics and technology”. In this session, professors from Nanyang Technological University will discuss the practical requirements and multiple avenues to get into the cybersecurity industry. We will see that core mathematical background or technical expertise is not a hard prerequisite to learn new skills. Professors will also demystify cybersecurity from three perspectives: Systems, Network and Application Security. Participants will see security applications in real-life and how easy it is to learn cybersecurity. Finally, we will talk about the utility for practical training and upskilling in cybersecurity, as well as the job development prospects in the industry.

This e-talk is organized by NTC @ NTU under the EnVision Series.​