Published on 18 Aug 2023

NTU-SBF Centre for African Studies publishes a 10-year economic roadmap for Nigeria

First time that a Singapore-based think tank has delivered a policy recommendation report for an African state

Back to Growth: Priority Agenda for the Economic Revival of Nigeria, a 150-page report authored by Amit Jain, the director of NTU-SBF Centre for African Studies, was launched at the Singapore Business Federation Centre on 18 Aug. It is the first time that a think tank based in Singapore has produced such a policy recommendation report for any African state. 

The report was launched at a full-house event at the Singapore Business Federation. The report comes at a time when Nigeria faces a perfect storm of slowing growth, shrinking revenues, rising expenses, and breakdown of security. Manufacturing is disappearing, business confidence is low, and the kinds of jobs that are being created are not enough to provide meaningful employment to the millions entering the workforce every day. The administration of President Bola Tinubu is confronted with an economy that is in urgent need of revival. It has taken some bold steps in the right direction, but more remains be done. The report has identified the most serious problems facing the Nigerian economy makes a series of policy recommendations that could help put Nigeria back on the path of sustained growth and prosperity. The event was organised by the NTU-SBF Centre for African Studies and sponsored by Singapore Business Forum (SBF).

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