ARISE Networking Series

21 Mar 2018 - 10 Dec 2018 Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Public

ARISE Ageing Medicine Networking 2018


Healthy Ageing, Metabolism, Brain Function & Microbiome Workshop organized by Prof. Sven Petterson on 21 and 22 March 2018. The ageing biology research landscape has undergone a massive transformation in the last decade, with remarkable discoveries revealing new therapies to significantly delay the ageing process. Such knowledge is highly innovative, as they change the paradigm of how we as a species understand human lifespan and mortality. With comprehensive knowledge of the basic mechanisms that drive ageing, researchers can work to increase the health span in human populations and improve the quality of life of those in old age. In this networking session, we bring together leading ageing researchers in local academia who will share their latest findings in basic and translational ageing research.




ARISE Social Integration and Education Networking Event 2018

In later life, most adults can expect a decline in the overall size of their social network, the frequency of their social contacts, and the number of people from whom they receive emotional support. Thus, the risk of developing feelings of loneliness and isolation from these conditions have been increasingly recognized as having dire physical, mental and emotional consequences in both older adults and their caregivers. In community dwelling older adults, loneliness and isolation are identified as major risk factors for poor health outcomes, including all-cause mortality. In caregivers, the lack of social interactions from the demands of caring older adults with detrimental conditions such as dementia, also leads to feelings of loneliness and isolation that have significant impacts to their well-being.

Hence, the socialization of older adults and their caregivers requires a proactive approach. This networking session will not only share examples of the various methods that allow older adults and caregivers to feel more connected to a wider community but will also attempt to demonstrate the potential impact of fostering social connections to ameliorate loneliness and isolation in greying societies of Singapore.