Plant Biology

​Description of Research Category

Our plant research cluster studies how the plant ecosystem senses, utilizes, and produces various biotic and abiotic molecules. Plants sequester a significant amount of the world’s carbon dioxide, feed us and comprise a crucial part of terrestrial ecosystems that convert carbon dioxide to valuable commodities such as fatty acids and high-value metabolites. Being sessile, plants need to integrate environmental cues and respond adequately using regulated processes such as plant immunity and mechanobiology. Together, we are trying to address urgent global problems in sustainability, agriculture, food security, and human health. By studying membrane-bound and membrane-less compartmentalization, we are also exploring new avenues in fundamental and applied plant science. To achieve these goals, we integrate diverse approaches such as population and evolutionary biology, integrated omics and computational biology, advanced cell biology, and biochemistry. We are enthusiastic about both model and non-model organisms in plant biology and aim to take advantage of the enormous plant biodiversity in Singapore.

Research Directory

Bioinformatics for Molecular Biology and Genomics
Cellular Biochemistry of Carbon Dioxide Fixation
Laboratory of Cell Cycle and Cancer Biology
Molecular Condensation for Actin Assembly
Plant Signal ​​Transduction and Lipid Metabolism Laboratory
Plants Systems Biology and Evolution
Professor James P. Tam's Laboratory
Sustainable Bioresources