Student Development

NIE sustainability team checking some measurements


Initial teacher preparation programmes at NIE provide a holistic development for student teachers. This includes opportunities to explore classroom diversity (Meranti Project), service learning (Group Endeavours in Service Learning), and to examine national challenges from the broader social context (Singapore Kaleidoscope). Opportunities for self-development are offered throughout the duration of the programmes, including interactions with renowned experts and speakers (Teachers as Thinkers) and these continue up to the beginning teacher stage (Beginning Teachers’ Orientation Programme and Teachers’ Preparation Enhancement Programme).


Our focus on Value Based Education

NIE Building

The Meranti Project

The Meranti Project aims to help student teachers develop better self-awareness and to learn better appreciate how to work with diversity in the classroom. Student teachers learn strategies for coping with being a teacher and gain an affirmation of choosing teaching as a profession. Values and skills inculcated and developed are based on the MOE’s 21st Century Competencies and Student Outcomes, NIE’s Attributes of 21st Century Teaching Professional (V³SK model) and the Graduand Teacher Competencies.

Group Endeavours in Service Learning

Group Endeavours in Service Learning (GESL) is a mandatory service-learning community engagement project for all student teachers. It provides the opportunity for student teachers to broaden their knowledge and understanding of community needs and challenges and to serve others and learn by serving others.

Singapore Kaleidoscope

Singapore Kaleidoscope (SgK) allows student teachers to gain a deeper and more nuanced appreciation of Singapore’s achievements and challenges. Through the course, student teachers engage with different perspectives, experience Singapore through a range of lenses, and explore the social, cultural, physical, environmental, and geo-political landscape of Singapore.

Other self-development opportunities

Teachers as Thinkers (TaT) series

These one-hour sessions provide a short, interactive platform for student teachers to think, dialogue and reflect beyond the curriculum. The series covers important themes that encourage student teachers to re-think how learning can happen in their ‘classroom’, re-evaluate their assumptions of learners, and re-examine their role as educators and citizens of Singapore and the global community. Invited speakers include renowned professors, industry experts, trailblazers, educational specialists, and student teachers.


The Beginning Teachers’ Orientation Programme (BTOP) and Teachers’ Preparation Enhancement Programme (TPEP) consist of a series of presentations, workshops and activities to empower teachers by enhancing their skills and perspectives. By providing practical strategies and fostering a growth mindset, student teachers become more efficient as they start their profession as Beginning Teachers.