认识针灸 Discovering TCM Acupuncture

Discovering TCM Acupuncture

This course aims to give participants a deeper understanding of the TCM meridians and acupuncture theories. You will learn the basic knowledge of TCM theories and acupuncture which includes ear acupuncture. You will be able to identify common acupoints on each meridians and how to apply them to common illnesses such as headaches, insomnia, cancer management.

Lecture 1: Introduction to Meridian

Lecture 2: Twelve Meridians and other meridians

Lecture 3: Application to common illnesses (part 1)

Lecture 4: Application to common illnesses (part 2) and Ear acupuncture and its application

Course InstructorsRegistered TCM physicians who are effectively bilingual and is able to converse in both English and Mandarin. The instructors have years of experience in teaching and public lecture and are able to complement both biomedical and TCM knowledge in their sharing.

2 September  – 30 September 2023  (Every Saturday) 4 Lessons 
*No lesson on 23 Sep

Time:9:30am - 12:00pm
Venue:南洋理工大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute, NTU
11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU@one-north campus, Executive Centre, #08-01 (near Buona Vista MRT station)
Language Medium:English

S$261.60*/ 4 lessons
S$141.60*/ 4 lessons (For Singaporean aged 50 and above after NSA Subsidy)
* Price is inclusive of 9% GST

  • Early bird discount (register before 7 August 2023)
- 15% discount for NTU staff and student/ group of 3 pax or more *^
10% discount for public*
*Students are eligible for only ONE of the above mentioned discount schemes.
^Proof of identity status or relevant documents are required for verification purpose.


Contact No.:6514 1398  /  6592 7931
Email:[email protected]