For Returning NSmen

Note to successful applicants (Singapore Citizens & Singapore Permanent Residents serving         
Full-Time national service) matriculating only after the Academic Year 2024-25:        
If you are matriculating only after Academic Year 2024-25, you will receive an acknowledgement letter in September (of the year of application) for the programme you have accepted.

Keep the letter as proof of acceptance and remember your application number for future correspondence. A confirmation letter will be sent to you subsequently via email in November/December prior to the year of your matriculation. Please inform us here (quoting your application number) if there is a change in your mailing address, email address and telephone number(s).
RNS matriculating in August 2024
You will receive an email pertaining to Health Screening in March/April 2024. If you are unable to matriculate in AY2024-25, click  here to download the Form for Returning National Servicemen, complete and return it to us by the stipulated date.

RNS matriculate in Special Term (May/June)
You will receive an email pertaining to enrolment procedures in March 2024 if you have completed your full-time National Service and wish to matriculate earlier in July 2024. You may click on the following for reference: