University Governance - NTU Board of Trustees

The NTU Board of Trustees is the highest governing organ within the University’s governance framework. The Board comprises 18 members appointed by the Minister for Education. Please click here for more details on our Board meetings, Board members' attendance and the various advisory committees established to support the board.

Our Governance section forms a part of our Annual Reports. Please click here for our Annual Reports. 


Information for investors

Nanyang Technological University’s Sustainability Framework provides further information on the University's sustainability commitments and how it plans to achieve its goals.

Please read PwC’s report on the findings of NTU’s process for the selection of key performance indicators and calibration of sustainability performance targets in connection with NTU’s Sustainability-linked Bond Framework in October 2021.

For more information on the inaugural issuance of NTU's sustainability-linked bond, read this news release.

For the performance of NTU's Sustainability-Linked Bond KPI for the calendar year ended 31 December 2022, please refer to our Sustainability Performance Report. PwC has undertaken a limited assurance engagement and the report can be found here. In the Assurance Report by PWC, noted in Appendix 1 under the Reporting Criteria section, NTU reports its' carbon emissions with reference to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. For the previous calendar year ended 31 December 2021, please refer to the Sustainability Performance Report and limited assurance engagement report here

NTU has a credit rating of ‘AAA’, the highest available, along with a baseline credit assessment of ‘AAA’ by Moody’s Investors Service, please refer to this document. We are also one of 22 universities in the world, and one of only 2 universities outside the United States with Moody's 'AAA' rating.

The structure of our Sustainability-linked bond is well suited to NTU as it allows the university not only to invest in sustainability projects but also research and education. For more details, please click here.


Sustainable Procurement Policy

NTU has guidelines for the procurement of products and services that support the university’s commitment to sustainability. An overview of our procurement practices is provided below.


Sustainable Investment Policy

Please refer to our Sustainable Investment Policy here.

Our Commitments

NTU has formed the Campus Sustainability Steering Committee to advance NTU’s sustainability efforts. Chaired by the Executive Director of Sustainability Office, the 4-member committee shall collectively represent the broad views of NTU on achieving the University’s sustainability goals.

NTU supports and promotes the principles of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals in the following ways.  

Good health and well-being
  • Respond to the needs and challenges of healthy living and ageing through science, technology research and innovation.
  • Strengthen NTU’s Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine as one of the key pillars of HealthCity Novena, a new holistic ecosystem that includes health services, research and education.

 (NTU is committed to promoting a positive work and learning environment for all. Each and every one of us in the University has a role to play in ensuring that NTU is conducive, safe and free from harassment. As part of our onboarding exercise, all our NTU staff are required to undertake the compulsory training module on "Anti-harassment at Our Workplace". Additionally, staff and students are encouraged to undertake the "psychological first aid" programme launched by the University's Wellbeing Office to help both staff and students navigate how to handle stress and uplift others who need emotional support)

Quality education
  • Educate and train the next generation of thinkers, innovators, leaders and lifelong learners in varied sustainability related courses, programmes and topics through science and art of learning.
  • Encourage the use of digital technologies to improve working, learning and living experiences on campus.
Affordable and clean energy
  • Undertake clean energy and autonomous vehicle development and pilot projects both on and off campus.
  • Large-scale implementation of photo-voltaic cells.
  • Convert all NTU buildings to Green Mark Platinum certification.
Sustainable cities and communities
  • Support efforts for on-campus test-bedding projects in areas including innovative green energy, lower carbon footprint and waste management technologies.
  • Future Ready Food Safety Hub (FRESH) Programme: Building local food safety capabilities to support growing innovation in food production and manufacturing and developing new food safety standards.
Responsible consumption and production
  • Aim to halve our net energy utilisation, water usage, and waste generation each by March 2026, compared to the levels of 2011.
Climate action
  • NTU Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) has a newly awarded MOE TIER 3 SEA-level programme (SEA2) & NRF National sea-level programme to provide sea-level rise projections for Southeast Asia.
  • NTU EOS has partnered with NASA jet propulsion lab and Caltech’s ARIA system to conduct natural hazard monitoring and disaster response. A flagship remote sensing laboratory for emergency response and climate monitoring.


Partnerships for the goals
  • Share NTU’s unique strengths in educational research, EdTech, science of learning and pedagogical techniques through strategic collaborations with other institutions, industries and academia.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at NTU
  • NTU believes in building an inclusive campus for its students, staff and faculty where diversity is respected. We strive to create diverse and inclusive environments to achieve a vibrant campus for education and a welcoming workplace for people from all backgrounds (not limited to; age, gender, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, refugee/asylum seekers, pregnancy and maternity)