About Us

Surbana Jurong-NTU Corporate Lab (SJ-NTU) a five-year research collaboration between Surbana Jurong and NTU Singapore, supported by the National Research Foundation Singapore (NRF). 

The $61-million corporate lab was set up to develop next-generation sustainable solutions to tackle industrial and complex urban challenges, leveraging NTU’s strengths in engineering and sustainability research and Surbana Jurong’s track record in providing urban, infrastructure and industrial solutions to its global customers. 

It includes research to explore:

  • Underground storage systems,
  • Sustainable indoor solutions for buildings, and
  • Digital technologies to scale up productivity in the built environment.

Fully operational, the lab will have 70 researchers, including NTU undergraduates and PhD students.

A testbed for innovations

The innovations developed at the SJ-NTU Corporate Lab will be tested on NTU’s Smart Campus, which is already pioneering the use of green construction technologies and is a testbed for innovations from autonomous electric vehicles to smart buildings and various applications of artificial intelligence. Such projects will not only be game changers for Singapore but will also help to further establish Singapore as a global hub for sustainable urban and infrastructure solutions.