Published on 27 Sep 2021

NTU expert comment – by Prof Lam Kwok Yan

Survey: Six out of ten consumers were the target of online scams

Channel 8 World, 17 Sep

The latest local survey shows that in the past year, six out of every ten local consumers have been the target of scams involving technological means. The survey also found that millennials, Generation X and men are most likely to fall into the scam. Experts say that some people may need to go online to conduct business, so they may be more likely to be targets. Prof Lam Kwok Yan, School of Computer Science and Engineering at NTU, said: “For example, people of a certain age may do more business on the Internet. They may not be so vigilant about emails when they are expecting a parcel to be delivered or reply to an application."

– Facilitated by CCO

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