Reaching High

reaching high

​​​Reaching High (2015)

Sun Yu-li, ERI@N and NTU Museum

Stainless Steel with Solar Panels

H5800 x Dia​​​2200 mm​


Sports and Recreation Club (SRC)

Click to see on NTU Maps

Reaching High is a kinetic light art installation jointly created by sculptor Sun Yu-li and the Energy Research Institute at NTU (ERI@N), one of the first interdisciplinary artworks that combines technology and art. The sculpture was presented as the first torch at the TorchUp! Festival during the 28th SEA Games held at ION Orchard on 7 March 2015.

The sculpture embodies the spirit of the competition as it portrays the unity of man, technology, and nature working in harmony towards success and a brighter future. Reaching High also highlights the importance and multiple uses of renewable energy, and this is one example of how it can be used to enhance and add interactivity to art.

Reaching High is now installed at the NTU Sports and Recreation Centre.

Other Links

See the kinetic installation in action at SG Sports TV: