Champion and 2nd Runner-up in Credit Suisse 2020 CodeIT Suisse

About the competition: 2020 CodeIT Suisse is a 27-hour coding challenge that gives participants an opportunity to demonstrate their skills, personality and aptitude for technology, where teams score points by solving a variety of coding problems. Topics in the challenge include, but not limited to, algorithmic challenges and machine / deep learning. Solutions are assessed against a wide array of test cases based on correctness as well as speed. 

Date of the competition: 25 - 27 September 2020

Achievement: Champion and 2nd Runner-up, Singapore Team Category

Prize: $2200 (Champion) and $950 (2nd Runner-up)

REP Student: Stephen Ng, Tan Jun Ming, Milla Samuel (Champion) and Eugene Koh, Sim Zhi Qi, Sit Han Zhe (2nd Runner-up)

Description: The two teams emerged as Champion and 2nd Runner-up respectively out of a total of 37 teams.