Champion in Citi Singapore Hackathon 2019

About the competition: As more people participate in doing good for the society, Social Service Organisations need a more efficient and hassle-free way to recruit volunteers and manage events effectively. Hence, Citi has called for developers to design an application as an answer to this challenge.

Date of the competition: September 2019

Achievement: 1st Prize - Overall Best Application

Prize: $1000

REP Students: Larry Lee, Nigel Lee and Team

Description/Proposal: This year’s challenge requires teams to develop a digitalised platform, from working on smaller components in a team to working with others to form a single application.

Their team had to work with 3 other teams whom they have never met before. Hence, the biggest challenge of this hackathon was the integration of various coding languages, frameworks, and tools to attain one single application. They had  a great experience that gave the hackers a taste of what it is like to work in a real, fast-moving company.

The team did an amazing job where one of their team members, Lionell Yip, even managed to secure an Individual Award for being the most Tech Savvy Hacker in the event.